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What should you pay attention to when using the bubble bath?


To start the bubble bath, it is important that at least ¾ of the bath is filled with water.


As soon as the bath is empty, the rinse function is automatically activated after about 15 minutes. The spa will then rinse for approximately 15 minutes. The bath has a sensor that measures whether there is water in the tub.


If there are wet towels, clothing or other items in / on the bath, the sensor will detect this as water. When these towels then dry, the sensor thinks that the bath is empty and thus the rinse function is activated. This can happen in the middle of the night! We kindly ask you not to put towels or clothes in / on the bath.


If there is nothing in the bath but the rinse function is activated for some other reason, it is best to leave a layer of water in the bath. This is then quickly detected by the sensor and the bath stops rinsing.